About us

There are more than 300 BIDs across the UK, over 70 in London, and currently five in the City of London, as more areas recognise that BIDs can turn collective will into collective action.

What is a BID?

A BID is a legally and geographically defined business-led partnership for area improvement and service delivery, funded by the levy-paying businesses within an agreed boundary.

Following a ballot of all the rate paying businesses above a proposed threshold in the area, in which at least half of these vote to create a BID, a BID is formed. All businesses that are eligible to vote then contribute a levy (based on a small percentage of their business rate contributions) to support the operational and delivery costs of the BID and its initiatives. BID levy money is ring-fenced for use only in the BID area, and businesses decide and direct what they want for the area.

Businesses have chosen to establish a BID in the Culture Mile BID area, the city now boasts five BIDs generating an aggregate BID levy income of around £9m per year.

View the full BID proposal

The billing leaflet

Find out what we’re up to next and read Culture Mile BID’s Billing Leaflet 2024/25 for an overview of our projects and expenditure.

Download billing leaflet

Annual Report

We are pleased to share with you the first Annual Report from the Culture Mile Business Improvement District. It can be downloaded here.

Download the annual report

Perception analysis

The proposed Culture Mile BID is shaped by the business community and engagement with wider stakeholders. In preparing the BID proposal, a Perception Analysis survey has been carried out to ask future levy payers what they would like the BID to focus on and to identify priority projects and themes. The results of this survey have fed into the BID proposal, which is currently being finalised.

Download perception analysis

Four key strategic themes

From the survey responses and ongoing conversations with businesses we have developed four overarching themes that underpin the goals and ambitions of the Culture Mile BID and it is these that will guide future work find out more…